Postponed: Exploring Wildflowers in a Post-Fire Chaparral Plant Community

Postponed: Field Trip with Matt Kay

Fire poppy, Papaver californicum. Photo by Matt Kay

Date and location to be determined
Participation limited to 15. Advance registration pending
Members $10 / Nonmembers $25 / Children $5

Matt Kay will lead a field trip to a local, post-fire chaparral plant community in the Santa Ynez Mountains in April. This field trip complements his lecture, Chaparral Plant Adaptations and Patterns of Recovery from Wildfire. Site selection will depend on bloom timing and local abundance in one of the local burn areas. While attending the lecture in advance of the field trip would benefit participants, it is not required.

Matt Kay grew up in Santa Barbara, where he developed a love for biology and natural history. This led to biology degrees from the University of Oregon (BS and MS), and a PhD from UCSB.  Matt teaches botany and general biology at SBCC.